Epic Truth is committed to a scientific approach of astrology forecasting using methods such as data analysis, statistics, cycle and pattern analysis, and the use of empirical, attribute, and variables data. The Cosmos , including the Milky Way and our own solar system, is not a linear construct, rather it works in cycles of predictable repeating energy. This is what makes astrology work.
Astrology will become an accepted science in the near future. Technological advances will enable Science to measure cosmic rays and energy and their effects on Earth, including Man. This is when science and astrology will merge and become the scientific, mathematical, and metaphysical properties and laws of the Universe.
The global elite 1% use astrology. They always have. From the time the Gods came down to Earth and created humanity, to their ruling successors the demi-gods, then the Kings, and now Presidents, the elite of the world have relied on astrology to know when to act, to conquer, to use restraint, gain protection, etc. JP Morgan, a founder of the Chase Bank empire that still exists today, used astrology in his business ventures and is famously quoted to have said "Millionaires don't have astrologers, but Billionaires do!" The US presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan consulted the publicly well known astrologers, Jeane Dixon and Joan Quigley. Other past US presidents also used astrology including Theodore Roosevelt, Warren G. Harding, and Vice President Henry Wallace. Princess Diana's astrologer was Penny Thornton.
The elite portray astrology to the masses as "entertainment" or as something evil you should avoid. They don't want the people to have astrology and the power it contains, they would then loose their advantage over them. Epic Truth is here to unlock that Truth for all to use and prosper.
Religion, and just about everything else, has been modified or misinterpreted over the centuries to the point it no longer reflects what the Masters that were sent to teach humanity originally taught. In the west, the current foundation of Christianity is mostly dependent on doctrines and creeds that Christ never taught or that have been distorted. With recent discoveries of ancient spiritual texts along with information that has been released to the public from the Eastern Adepts, a whole new picture of spirituality relating to concepts such as karma, destiny, and evolution is emerging within the consciousness of humanity.
In the Sidereal zodiac according to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the Age of Pisces ends and the Age of Aquarius begins in 2,597 AD. This is defined as the position of the Sun on the vernal (spring) equinox as it moves across the celestial equator. However, the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius overlap so in reality there is a combined transitional effect of both, with a gradual decline of Pisces and rise of Aquarius currently in progress. Aquarius started to influence humanity since the early 1800's, when electricity was first defined in modern terms such as current and electrons. DC and AC electricity and early electrical devices were discovered by the turn of the 20th century. Electricity is ruled by the planet Uranus the planetary ruler of Aquarius. Since then computers, the internet, and smartphones have been invented, all of which are Aquarian type inventions.
The old structures and conditions of the Piscean Age of religion, society, culture, philosophy, and science will pass away and new ways of being and thinking in all these areas will prevail. Align yourself with the new energies of Aquarius and maximize your potential.
MK is an Ophiuchus Sun, Libra Rising, and Aquarian Moon using the 13 sign sidereal zodiac of science and has been a lifelong seeker in the quest for Truth. She holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration and has worked as an Engineer, Corporate Manager, and Business Analyst.
A life changing spiritual experience occurred when she was 16 years old that lead her down a parallel path of spirituality in addition to a career in technology and business.
Marcy has been a life long student of world religions, ancient origins of humanity, the mystery school tradition, theosophy, the comparative study of ancient and modern spiritual texts, cosmology, prophecy, predictions, astrology, and the synthesis of science with metaphysics.
She uses her analytical skill set developed during her early education and work experience, combined with scientific, spiritual, esoteric, and astrological knowledge to bring forth revealing mosaics of humanities ancient origins, present state, and future potential. She is a 13 sign zodiac astrologer and uses the same zodiac used by scientists and astronomers. She now devotes her life work to the advancement of spirituality and astrology and and sharing of Truth through her videos, lectures, writings, forecasts, and books.