Astrological principles of the constellations and planets provide the timing and energetic impulses to trigger events, candidates, parties, primaries, and US election outcomes with amazing forecast accuracy. US presidential races are examined between 1952 and 2016 using astrology, history, and candidate data and a unique combination of birth factors that indicate the powerful, yet subtle cosmic energies at work in the "Will of the People".
The real truth as to: •Why Trump won •Who could have beaten Trump • How the Global Elite use astrology to achieve their goals •Secret astrological keys built into the Presidential Election cycle Astrological principles of the constellations and planets provide the timing and energetic impulses to trigger events, candidates, parties, primaries, and US election outcomes with amazing forecast accuracy.
In fact: The entire presidential election cycle is defined by astrology! From the start of the primaries, to the party conventions, election day, and finally the inauguration.